Thursday, November 15, 2018

How to black hacker

Black Hat Hacker

Definition - What does Black Hat Hackermean?

A black hat hacker is a person who attempts to find computer security vulnerabilities and exploit them for personal financial gain or other malicious reasons. This differs from white hat hackers, which are security specialists employed to use hacking methods to find security flaws that black hat hackers may exploit.
Black hat hackers can inflict major damage on both individual computer users and large organizations by stealing personal financial information, compromising the security of major systems, or shutting down or altering the function of websites and networks.

Techopedia explains Black Hat Hacker

The term "black hat hacker" is derived from old Western movies, in which the good guys wore white hats and the bad guys wore black hats.
Black hat hackers can range from teenage amateurs who spread computer viruses to networks of criminals who steal credit card numbers and other financial information. Black hat hacker activities include planting keystroke-monitoring programs to steal data and launching attacks to disable access to websites. Malicious hackers sometimes employ non-computer methods to obtain data, for example, calling and assuming an identity in order to get a user's password.
Black hat hackers have their own conventions, of which two of the more prominent are DEFCON and BlackHat. Black hat conventions are often attended by security professionals and academics who want to learn from black hat hackers. Law enforcement officials also attend these conventions, sometimes even making use of them to apprehend a black hat hacker, as occurred in 2001 when a Russian programmer was arrested the day after DEFCON for writing software that decrypted an Adobe e-book format.

How to computer system hacking

How to Hack a Computer

This wikiHow teaches you how to hack a Windows or Mac computer's login, as well as how to use TeamViewer to remotely control another computer.

Method One of Three:
Bypassing a Login on Windows

  1. 1
    Understand what this will accomplish.While Windows 10 doesn't allow you to abuse the Administrator account like you could in past renditions of Windows, you can use a Windows 10 installation drive and Command Prompt to add a new administrator-enabled user that can see the main account's files and folders.
    • You won't be able to change the password that the main account uses, but you should be able to access, edit, and copy virtually anything from the main account.

  2. 2
    Create a Windows 10 installation tool.Make sure that you have a blank flash drive that is at least 8 gigabytes in size, then do the following:
    • Attach the flash drive to your computer.
    • Open the Windows 10 download page.
    • Click Download tool now
    • Double-click the downloaded tool.
    • Follow the on-screen prompts, making sure to use your flash drive as the installation location.
    • Leave the flash drive plugged in after the creation process completes.
  3. 3
    Change your computer's boot order.This is necessary in order to prompt your computer to start from the flash drive rather than the hard drive:
    • Access your computer's BIOS.
    • Find the "Boot Order" section in the Boot or Advanced tab.
    • Select your flash drive's name, then press + (or the "Up" key listed in the legend on the right side or bottom of the screen) until the flash drive is at the top of the list.
    • Save and exit using the key(s) listed in the legend on the right or bottom of the screen.
  4. 4
    Open Command Prompt. On the setup screen, press  Shift+F10. You should see the Command Prompt window open.
  5. 5
    Replace Utility Manager with Command Prompt. Utility Manager is a service which has an icon available on the lock screen. By replacing Utility Manager with Command Prompt, you'll be able to execute administrator-level functions without having to log in:
    • Type move c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe.bakinto Command Prompt.
    • Press  Enter
    • Type copy c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman.exeinto Command Prompt.
    • Press  Enter

how to computer hacking

               How to Hack a Computer

This wikiHow teaches you how to hack a Windows or Mac computer's login, as well as how to use TeamViewer to remotely control another computer.

Method One of Three:
Bypassing a Login on Windows

  1. 1
    Understand what this will accomplish.While Windows 10 doesn't allow you to abuse the Administrator account like you could in past renditions of Windows, you can use a Windows 10 installation drive and Command Prompt to add a new administrator-enabled user that can see the main account's files and folders.
    • You won't be able to change the password that the main account uses, but you should be able to access, edit, and copy virtually anything from the main account.

Online hacking


What Is Hacking?

Dimitri Otis/Getty Images
In computer networking, hacking is any technical effort to manipulate the normal behavior of network connections and connected systems. A hacker is any person engaged in hacking. The term hacking historically referred to constructive, clever technical work that was not necessarily related to computer systems. Today, however, hacking and hackers are most commonly associated with malicious programming attacks on networks and computers over the internet.                                          

How to black hacker

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